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The two earliest forms of writing are Sumerian cuneiform (3500 BCE) and Egyptian hieroglyphics (3200 BCE).  And although cuneiform is widely known for its wedge-like impressions in clay to convey word concepts, early linguistic systems (like hieroglyphics) started as pictographs, or images that signify what they resemble.


Almost six thousands years later, pictures are still the best way to convey meaning.  But if we can’t use pictures, then the best way is to use words that make pictures in the readers’ minds.


The structure of any story is shaped by its writing.


Historically, businesses have only had a few platforms for copywriting — advertisements, websites, newsletters, and things like that.  But now we have myriad sources to tell our stories.


Between ebooks, slide decks, blogs, social media, answering questions on Quora, direct messages, and text messages, there are new and exciting ways to communicate emerging every day.


Every one of them is an opportunity for storytelling.



Most companies have a blog page on their website, but that content is rarely seen.  That’s because businesses are writing what they want to say and not necessarily what their audience wants to hear.  In order to connect with your audience, you need to use stories as that spoonful of sugar to help the medicine (your information) go down.  


If we give your audience a narrative to latch onto, they can enjoy the journey!



Part of why we are effective in our writing is because we subscribe to the KISS rule:







Sometimes people try to jam too many messages into one piece or write complex and convoluted pieces in order to convey their expertise.  


All this does is overcomplicate things.


Every story has the same structure: a beginning, a middle, and an end.


During that arc, the audience needs to see three things:


  1. A Challenge

  2. A Change

  3. A Conclusion


We work with you to find the root of your message and narrow our focus to emphasize that.



We use tools like tension, curiosity, and empathy to pull the audience into the story and inspire them to take action.  


Then, we help you establish a clear call to action that makes it easy for your audience to hop on board.


The written word is where every story starts, but writing can prove itself a challenging task. We know the best writing techniques to use and have armed ourselves with the tools needed to be successful.



From website copy to blogs or scripts for your video,

we can help.

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110 Corcoran St., Durham, NC 27701, WeWork


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